Saturday, January 30, 2010

ok, hi. This is going to sound weird, but yeah. My 1st blog is 2 years? ok cool. I have no idea how to set up a blog and thanks so sissy's help i somehow managed to. Let me start crapping about how miserable my life is. so dadadum, i'll be going back to gracehaven in like around (let me see) 16hours. I'm bored. I so envy those who have exceptionally really preety blogs so i've decided to set one up.
I miss xiaoming, its hard with him being inside and me outside. As the saying goes, " so near yet so far " that is so gonna explain how i'm feeling right now. Actually, i have got mixtures of feelings and that always clouds my judgement. For all i know, this place is for me to start crapping, hope it works though. Haven't been really free the past 2 days, didn't get to text xiaoming much. Guess when i'm about to sleep then i would sent him a cute lil goodnight text, have to make sure its a long one, or else...
Its 2.45am in the morning and i totally need a fag. Stressing about stuffs which dosen't seem to be much of a concern. I am depress. Totally. Sometimes i wish i could be free, free from reality's harsh times. Things are weird, people are even weirder. I don't get why to some people i am always labelled as a problematic child or some crap stuffs like that. Its so unfair! I didn't even get i bitty of chance to explain or voice out my opinions.
Why? Is it just because in society i am just somebody taken for granted? Gosh, can't seem to understand why life is like that. But anyway for now, i'll just assume that such things are way beyond the way, my brain can process them.
So, goodbye for now.

p.s you've been on my mind every single day, how could i not think of you?