Saturday, February 6, 2010

let me update!
bathed and then got ready, daddy picked up ta at her house and then sent us to Bugis. Met yanting there. Decided to get new year clothes but didn't find anything to my liking, sad me :( Xiaoming came down around 3 plus with zhenwei, nic and jingshen. Weitian came down later. Surprisingly there were just so many gh peepos at bugis today! Saw huimin, patricia, peishan, trisha, della, sipei, leiting, jiaer, serli, joycelyn and clarence! Its crazy over there. Walk walked and then the guys wanted to play pool so we girls went to catch a really cute movie! Tooth fairy. It was hilarious, i'll give a 31/2 to 5 for it. After the movie we were all hungry so zw got the idea of going to eat steamboat. It was delicious and so my tummy was bloated. Each paid about 16bucks for the food, altogether it was like $96! whathehell! Its expensive. Xiaoming and i took bus 7 and you know what! We saw moon and her friend, such an coincidence can. Went to mac to get some " delicacies " and then started walking home. Lucky to have Xiaoming with me, he always sents me home! Gosh thats what i love about him, he is so darn adorable, and thats why he is my boyfriend! haha. I'm going to get sissy to get a tag board for me, i want one! Have to have an early night today, going to church tomorrow with family in the morning. Ciao.

P.s i love you!

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